Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter 11

Chapter eleven was filled with a lot of information. The class was divided up into reading three different sections. My group and I had read about the Asian American's which was the last section. Some interesting facts I found while reading are listed below.

-Depression of 1920's
-Five million immigrants ignored
-South "blacks" used GREAT MIGRATION places such as Chicago, which had alot of Mexican immigrants.
- "Emergency quota act"-1921
"1924 extended acts"
-Labor shortages during WW II
-Bracero Program
-Women roles in US at the time
-Japanese immigrants roles
-Canada and Mexico- so manu of the individuals did not have the quota act because they knew labor from Mexico.
-New American's had got visa's
-Some people left because they wanted to go back to their own country and be the status they were than being in a country that is rich
-Jews were discriminated
-Anyone with Jewish blood was tainted
-Chinese Exclusion Act
-Chinese in allels in 1882.
-Chinese were more in the agricultural work and Mexicans in labor work
-During WWI German's were very mistreated.
-American immigration law was discriminatory toward Chinese.
-105 Chinese quota slots
-War years had a labor shortage after the glut of unemployment in 1930's.
-When Chinese emigrated to US, 10,000 were women that to nonquota wives.

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