Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chapter 10

I enjoyed reading about Ellis Island. For most immigrants Ellis island was an "island of hope". In the same way for some it was the "island of tears". Two different way immigrants would interpret the island. The passengers were brought to the island by ferry's and ships. Interesting to see it was similar process to the other immigrant groups that had came by boat. It was interesting how they also had railroad tickets purchases, and they were prepaid, most of the people that had came were familiar with America, so they knew how to get there way around. I found it interesting how some of the people had came to America previously in their lives. There were negativities that came along with the arrival of most immigrants such as illness, medical problems, diseases, and there wasn't facilities offered to all immigrants at the time. 

I found it interesting what the literacy test was. the book states "a nativist goal for more than two decades did little to restrict immigration, although or cause it may deterred some from attempting to come" (Daniels 278). What was so special about the literacy test and how immigration had delta with it. The literacy rate in Europe was very high it was rising in fact. The literacy test was an important victory for the forces for immigration restriction. 

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