Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter 7-American Italian Immigrants


Reading the section about Italian immigrants had tons of interesting facts and a lot information regarding Italians that I did not know about before. I had enjoyed reading the parts about Italian contributions and what they brought to the plate. "During the years of 1880 and 1920 there were more than 4.1 million Italians entering just the US" (Daniels 188). If you ask me that is a huge significant number. Not only did they enter the US, they brought many contributions to the plate. During the late 18th and early 19th century there were attempts to establish the Italian agriculture. Some of what the agriculture contained were the silk culture, wine grapes, and olives. Thanks to the Italians, we also love Olive oil and Wine so much =] thanks for your contribution! Most of the Italian agriculture of course happened where? In the far west, which is our very own homeland CALIFORNIA! California was known to be a major place for wine contributions. This is where most of there crops and techniques were introduced. Later Plastic arts were also an important contribution as well. 

The other important fact I came across was the controversial aspect of Italian American experience that has to do with crime. The Irish and German indentured servants along with  them there was Vietnamese street gangs along with Chinese Triad Societies, and colombian drug dealers. This had involved many stereotypes as well.  Reading about Italian American immigrants has ton's of exciting and interesting information. I wish to learn more about them as I read the chapter.

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