Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chapter 1- Coming to America.

Chapter one had a lot of interesting information a lot of which I have learned a lot in other history classes, but this chapter gives more emphasis on European Migration, talks about pre era of Christopher Columbus,religions, Vikings, Portuguese, and certain laws of migration. There were some new information that I want to remember for the future and think about its relevance to our lives today and how we percieve things. Through out the reading I had bared the questions in mind that Professor Andrews and Fitzgerald had told us to pay attention to.
 There were many important views of colonziation and history that the Maritime Europeans started to take on their own and in the west to the Atlantic. Each country was in the process of becoming colonized and Vikings which means "men of viks" wanted to colonize "our" very known North America. The chapter goes into talking about the European navigation in the west during the yeas of 1419... they had found a new group known as the "Maderia, which was off the coast of North Africa. There is a graph on page 16 where it talks about the European population from 1600-2000 it shows a large amount of population that drastically increased from the nine years and how there was a percentage increase then the declining which had fell below the average. 
The part of the reading that I enjoyed the most was The Laws of Migration. It's the questions that we ask ourselves and the author also points out. "The first holds that most immigrants? I mean we have many myths and who knows what the truth is. In my perspective I honestly think most people that came to the US or any state in general were seeking some type of advantage and liberty for themselves and there families. 
Migration has its own economic causes and its conditions like the reading saws and we can easily draw, right?! What can we call a form of migration? why did people go back during the drastic 1930's Great depression? This is where a notion by Ravenstien draws some straight conclusions. The reading had stated that there was a notion about "progress" that affects different volumes of migration. In my own opinion I believe migrating from one country to the other is a positive thing. Many people migrate to a certain country make their lives better, call there families, start buying business, large lands, and work for there money to support themselves. Like I mentioned above. It's a positive way to make your life better and migrating from one country to the other has its advantages. 
The immigrants that the chapter mentions most about were the Europeans and how they had immigrated. Some stats: "In 1860 at least 84% of the foreign born were British. In 1920 two national groups were a little over a quarter 15.6 were British and 12.1 percent German" (Daniels 25). WOW! if you ask me these are huge numbers, some of what I didn't list on here, but the reading does a good job in showing us how many Europeans had been around for the years. 

BELOW I found a very informative youtube video that has to do with the US and European perspectives on Immigration.

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