Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chapter 6

Chapter six has a lot of interesting information about Irish immigrants. What I found very interesting was the population of Irish American immigrants and how much the cities were growing rapidly. I found Working Irish American Women workers the most interesting part of the chapter. "Irish American women workers were overwhelmingly concentrated in domestic service, laundry work and in the least well paying jobs in New England's textile industry" (Daniels 143). The chapter also talks about Germans. On page 150 there was an argument that had upraised about women immigrants. "Women were housewives or otherwise employed at home, they were less likely to learn English and become acculturated as quickly as immigrant men" (Daniels 150). This obviously demonstrates this is a myth it is not true that women can not learn English, obviously if you keep a women in the house with children and household duties  and abandon them from going out what else do you get, right?! but in the same way there were some women that broke out of the shell and became successful! it takes a matter of time for women to adjust, learn a language, dress appropriately, and adopt to the attitude. 

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