Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sex Slave Documentary

Hey Guys! I was taking a break from studying and I found this short clip documentary
 "Red-light" about sex slaves eye opening. Just thought of this since the other day in class we were talking about sex slaves, servitude, and victims of trafficking.
-Click on the short clip 

-There are also links on the bottom you guys can check out and one of the links directs you to the "Red-light" homepage where you can stay informed and find out more info about this Organization.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great clip that shows one of the types of slavery that goes on today. I was shocked to see the number of young girls who are forced and sold into this "trade" just so others can mane money off of them. There are so many innocent girls that are trapped in this lifestyle because they don't know their rights and they have been dehumanized in the sense that they are only for one thing and in this case its sex. But very informative and shocking!
