Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chapter 2/3 Coming to America.

Chapter two goes into the English Immigrants in our country America including Virginia, Maryland, and New England. There was a lot of interesting information in relation to the demographics, different immigrants coming from one state to another, economic and social historians, migration, and some history of dates and people that were involved. The section that grasped my attention was the "Indentured Immigrants". 
"Some people had came to America with $8.00 in there pockets" (said by a fellow class mate in our class) made a strong point. My parents always sit with both my sister and I and tell us how poor they were when both of them had came to the U.S from India. Both were married at a very young age, my mother had me when she was eighteen, and barely had a stable job. Lived in an apartment and had enough to buy a really old fashion Nissan Sentra that too which had a broken roof, so when it had rained my papa would have to put a big black garbage bag, so the water wouldn't come inside the water and damage the interior. 
The reading implied that coming to America was expensive and how most immigrants were forced to come here for economic circumstances or labor. As we all know coming to one country from another country is a difficult thing. You are not familiar with the language, what certain things mean, and most importantly no money, so how do you survive? The reading goes more in o detain about explaining about the servants that came to Virginia. The differences and struggles that each of the different immigrant groups had gone through during the time was different, but then again makes me think about the struggles that most people go through when they first come new to a country. 
Chapter three goes more into detail with African Slave trade we have to think about how the whites and blacks were treated and how there class showed what they knew and what they didn't know. Slave trade is known to be a business that gained profit over time. Slaves existed everywhere throughout North America and Canada. "Slave trade was one of the major means when bringing immigrants to the New World" (Daniels 54). I was very surprised to see the amount of slaves that had came over centuries. It was also sad to read about the difficulties they had encountered such as kidnapping and how they were sold. The reading also states "87% of all slaves brought to the US had came in the years 1701 to 1810 and 13% had came after the slave trade"(Daniels 63) huge number when thinking about how much had came between those years and how many more came when slave trade was coming to an end. I really liked alot of information in chapter 3 because it bought more emphasis on explaining about African Americans during the slave trade. There was a quote that I noted in my reading.
"As was and would be true with other immigrant groups, the emergence of native born Afro-American majority created a new kind of person. By the time of American Revolution most blacks were more America, then African"...  (Daniels 64). Shows a sense of pride, but then again the color of skin separates you from most of what people perceive us today. 

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